Monday, June 10, 2013

Review: One Chance to Save The World!

I need to first point out that this game reminds me a lot of McPixel. If you have not played this game it is a-ok! I will have a review up soon about it for you.

The flash game "One Chance to Save The World" starts with John Pilgrim as he discovers the cure for cancer but what he did not notice, until later, is that his team accidently made a plague that is killing all living cells on Earth! You have a week to find a cure, or waste your time, spend it with your family, and many other options which makes each individual run through feel like a brand new experience.  It is a very slow paced game, but it is so short that for the most part one does not mind. It took a while for me to get bored, I would keep replaying wanting to see what would happen if I did certain things differently. There are various endings and many choices you can make which make this a repayable flash game. 

The game starts with the words: “In six days, every single living cell on Planet Earth will be dead. You have one chance.” It then skips to your male character in his bedroom ready to go to work. Gloomy music starts to play and you can already tell it is not a happy game. The arrow keys move your character very slowly, good thing the map in the game is not big if not it would taken more time to get your character to a certain spot than get anything important done. Despite the slow walking character there is not much else than to interact with your surroundings using the space bar. There is not much to interact with other than with objects around you and decision making.

Well nothing could go wrong in the world now! Am I right?...
Proceeding with the story... Your daughter obviously does not want to go to school and your wife is excited about today. After exiting the house your character picks up a newspaper in which you can read that your character has found the cure for cancer. Later at work you can get to pick to skip work or do actual work. From the second you do either or it will skip an entire day. Days later your daughter asks as to why she doesn’t have to go to school and all the characters start reacting to whatever decisions you took before. If you ever played The Walking Dead episodes, just letting you know it gives you a feeling like that game did with the people and how your decisions affect the outcome of the game.
          The graphics have little to say about how elaborate this game is, the simplicity adds a very nice atmosphere and does not disappoint. The music in the game is sophisticated and adds tension to every decision and the consequences make you feel bad or good depending on your choice of actions.
       The ending I first got was a good ending even though my wife committed suicide I was able to find a cure and save my daughter. In another gameplay someone who I worked with killed my family and ended up hanging himself up in my bedroom! From there I had the chance to die in peace at the park or work until my last breath trying to find a cure.
These kind of emotional moments in the game are truly heart-touching.
 I rate the flash game “One Chance to Save The World” an 7.8 out of 10 just because of how elaborate and well put together it is but too slow. This game is recommended to those looking for something nerve racking with decisions and full of many emotional dilemmas. If you're one to like to experiment and get not only one kind of ending over and over this flash game is for you.
If you wish to read more reviews and be informed of everything by the coolest nerds head over to: Nerds Against The World !

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